How to Preserve your Hairstyle while Getting Ready

If your hair is flawless but you still have some tasks to complete before you leave the house, cover your style up with this cap and your hair will remain good as new. Sometimes while we are rushing to get ready, our hair gets messed up and it’s beyond frustrating. Here’s a simple solution to making your hair stays freshly styled after you finish everything else you need to. After...

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The Secret to Being Successful when Going Natural

Every natural girl who isn’t yet wrapping their hair with satin needs to be, it’s the helping hand you’ve been looking for. Satin is easily a curly girl’s bright hand man. It limits frizz, promotes growth and helps preserve hairstyles so you can go longer in between washes. One thing that all natural girls need is satin protection. The satin in this hat keeps your hair evenly moisturized while keeping...

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How to get the Hair Results you’ve been Searching For

Sick of dealing with frizz, bad hair days and dry hair? Satin can be the simple solution that will effortlessly give you the healthy hair that you’ve been wanting. If satin pillowcases aren’t your favorite thing to rest on, there’s no reason for your hair to have to suffer, you can rest on cotton while your hair is wrapped and protected. Instead of changing your whole bedspread up with satin...

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How Curly Girls Pick a Hat to Wear

Getting hats over them natural curls can be hard! Allow us to assist you with your selection. Just when you think you find the perfect hat to rock when you want to spice things up, you realize that either your curls don’t fit, you look ridiculous, or it’s made of fabric that damages your hair. Sitting on top of your curls, not sure that’s how the hat is meant to...

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No More Annoying Layers on your Head for Protection

Sick of having to put satin protection on your head before the harsh cotton cap? Well, here’s a simple solution. Bedtime twists are a great way to prepare your hair for tomorrow’s style. Covering your twists is crucial for them to turn out how you want them and the easiest way to cover them is with a hat. Wearing a hat is the easiest way to cover messy or a...

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How to Style and Protect your Hair

Here are some fun ways to rock your satin protection while having a protective style. Covering your hair with satin is key when putting it into a protective style. Satin helps fight off two of a girl’s worst enemy, frizz breakage. Here is an easy way to transform your satin protection into a sleep bonnet within seconds. After putting your hair in the protective style of your choice, apply a...

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3 Simple Steps that will Lead you to a Worry Free Morning

Protective styles before bedtime can be pointless if you’re not covering your head with satin protection through the night! Waking up to messy bed head after all the time you spent flawlessly twisting your curls the night before is so not worth it, in just 3 easy steps, you can wake up to manageable hair every morning. The absolute key to having a successful nighttime routine, is wrapping your hair...

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Now you can Cover your Hair without the Fear of Damage

Finally a cap that covers your entire head and hair.   This lightweight beanie is sure to fit all of your hair without causing damage. The cap is lightweight and lined with satin so it will prevent your hair from drying out. Besides the benefits that you see from the cap, your favorite part will be the elastic band that will allow it to stretch over all of your hair...

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