Mo Knows Hair Styles Her Hair with a Satin Lined Cap

Mo Knows Hair Styles Her Hair with a Satin Lined Cap


  • Love the slap but please tell me why she took almost 25 minutes basically putting a hat on…i can detangle my hair in about that time..just baffling to me

    - Erica
  • I have emailed with no response back. I bought a SLAP and it is too big around the edge. It slides right off my head. Did I get a defective one? Can mine be replaced? I thought one size fits all???

    - Jessica Williams
  • Love it.

    - Carolyn Maxie
  • These look comfortable would like to. Get a few..

    - Shirley allen
  • My slap cap is not near that long. Are you making it difference now . When I first ordered I thought it would be large enoug to put my braid under but not so. It’s not near as large or lond fitting as it shows in the video. Can it be purchase in size now. I would love to have one that have more room for all of my hair. Thanking you. Shirley

    - Shirley Gadsden

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