Absolutely best tips for a super easy morning

Sometimes it's just hard, maybe even impossible, to get up in the morning. After a blissful night of beauty sleep, it can be a struggle to rise early and face the day. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to make your mornings super easy. Here's how to beat that morning rush while looking and feeling gorgeous.
Prep Those Meals
One huge time saver is meal prepping. Before you go to bed, plan your meals for the next day. Making a smoothie for breakfast? Go ahead and chop your fruits and veggies and put them in the freezer. Needing to pack a lunch? Pack it the night before and throw it in the fridge.
Keep Your Phone Out Of The Bedroom
It makes a great alarm clock, but it also makes a great time sucker. We know how tempting it is to catch a few more minutes of rest on your super soft satin pillowcasewhile checking up on Instagram. To keep yourself from getting sucked into social media and email as soon as you get up, try charging your phone in a different room. Plus, it will give you an excuse to get a cute alarm clock!
Resist The Snooze
Whoever invented the snooze button should have to answer for all the rushed mornings we have. Snoozing might seem like a good way to wake up, but it can actually make it harder to get going. Resisting the snooze can make your morning less hurried, more productive, and so much easier.
SLAP For Sleep
Cut down on major hair styling time by using a Satin Lined Cap. This luxurious sleep cap helps fight frizz, hydrate your locks, and combat tangles. No matter what type of hair you have, the SLAP will save you time and make you look great!
Plan Outfits Early
Standing in front of your closet wondering what to wear is frustrating. Save time by planning your outfit the night before. Even better, make yourself a list of what clothes go together. That way you can look great every day, effortlessly.
No matter who you are, you can conquer your mornings. With a little effort and some creative planning, every morning can be super easy. Grace Eleyae SLAP is here to help you look and feel your best. Sign up below to to find out more about how to spend less time worrying about your hair, and more time doing what you love.
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Posted in
Healthy Life, Morning Routine, Work/Life
Thanks so much for your morning tips.. Great information.. Didn’t know I would become a part of a great culture of cool info when purchasing my comfortable and cute slap cap!! Loving it!! And I can sleep cute!?
Good tips. I don’t have to get up early but I find it hard to get up.
I have 4 of them and I absolutely LOVE THEM! They protect my hair from the crazy humidity outside! I take my cap off after I get to work and viola’ my hair is good to go!
Love it!! I have six of them in different colors!! My hair in the morning is manageable and no frizz!!