8 Reasons To Absolutley Love Your Hair

8 Reasons To Absolutley Love Your Hair

There are so many things we pick apart when it comes to our hair. So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s change the regular status quo. Let’s LOVE OUR HAIR! Every single, twisty or straight, fine or thick, dyed or not dyed, strand. There are so many reasons to love our hair, but here are just eight of them to get us started. 

8 Reasons to Absolutely love your hair: It's unique to you

1. Your Hair is Unique to You

We shouldn't buy into the lies that only certain "looks" are beautiful. You shouldn't want to look in the mirror and see someone else. You should look in the mirror and smile at the reflection, happy and proud to be you because there's no other you in the world. Your hair is yours, and no one else has hair exactly like yours. So, look in the mirror and love your hair for its uniqueness, its connection to you and you alone.


8 Reasons to Absolutely Love Your Hair: Someone out there loves your hair, so you should top

2. Someone Out There LOVES Your Hair, So You Should Too

That's right. Whether your hair is unruly and curly, or pin straight and can't hold a curl, there's someone who's looked at you and thought to themselves, "I wish I had her hair." Trust me. You might not love that your hair is so thick, but there are thousands of women spraying volumizing sprays to achieve what your hair naturally possesses. It's hard to see beauty in ourselves, but to someone else, your hair is the "dream look."


8 Reasons to Absolutely Love Your Hair: Your hair is a part of you

3. Your Hair is a Part of You

At some point, you made a choice when it came to your hair color. You chose to leave it natural or to dye it that color, and in doing so you showed the world a little bit about yourself. Hair color showcases a part of our personality and is an extension of our style and character. So, remember why you chose it, and love your hair for it.


8 Reasons to Absolutely Love Your Hair: Your hair is fun to style


4. Your Hair is Fun to Style

Maybe it has been a while since you've styled your hair beyond your "normal look." Even if it doesn't turn out perfect, styling your hair, especially with a friend, can bring you entertainment and boost your confidence. So, invite some friends over, apply some face masks, and style your hair in a special way, just for the fun of it.


8 Reasons to Absolutely Love Your Hair: It'll boost your confidence

5. It Will Boost Your Confidence

Loving your hair just the way it is will free you from unattainable desires or false theories on beauty. People spend too much time wishing for things to be different. If you take a minute to be thankful for what you have, you'll finally be able to see just how great it is. Your confidence will receive a boost when you start to love the way you look.

8 Reasons to Absolutely Love Your Hair: It'll save you money

6. It'll Save You Money

Loving your hair the way it is, versus always changing it to be "better", will save you a lot of money in salon visits. Sure, you should take care of your hair. But changing colors and cuts all the time can get expensive and time-consuming. Loving your hair for what it is is cost-effective.

8 Reasons to Absolutely Love Your Hair: You hair is never as bad as you think

7. Your Hair is Never as Bad as You Think

Even when you're having a bad hair day, and you're sure everyone notices, it's never as bad as you think it is. When you look back at pictures from this time in your life, with this hair, you won't remember the bad hair days or the problems you had with your hair-do. You'll remember the person you were the memories you made. Plus, future you will probably think your hair looks great.  


8 Reasons To Absolutely Love your Hair: It's important

8. It's Important

There are so many people out there that put themselves down time and time again without really thinking about the consequences, but there are consequences. Self-esteem, being kind to yourself, looking in the mirror and smiling is so much more important than you can imagine. It might be hard to do, but it's worth it. Loving yourself, including your appearance, is extremely important to a happy healthy life.


We'd love to know what you think! If you found reasons to love your hair, let us know below in the comments, or tag us on our Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram using the hashtag #ILoveMyHairBecause. For more ways to love your look, please contact us.


  • I received my first slapcap im black.
    Its a quick cover up ehen i dont eant yo be bothered with a wig or a wrap. I just got diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 3b. I saw the teal but it was sold out, do i went with safe… love it!so comfy.thank you

    - Caroline Loo-Lew
  • This is a great article. Loving yourself, whether it’s your hair, body, skin is not always easy but it’s so important to do. Thank you for this reminder to be kind and loving to ourselves!

    - Whitney
  • This is a great article. Loving yourself, whether it’s your hair, body, skin is not always easy but it’s so important to do. Thank you for this reminder to be kind and loving to ourselves!

    - Whitney
  • I ordered a satin lined cap it is way to big I have a small head are you all thinking about making smaller sizes. Hopefully you all respond. I love my cap, but way to big. ☹️

    - Tiffany Thomas
  • This was sooooooo inspiring!! I really needed this encouragement about my hair and self. I have naturally thick, unruly curls and it has been very difficult at times; but now I’m in the process of continuously loving my hair❤?

    - Aleyah Lyles

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